CASE is a collective impact effort, with the goal of improving high school and postsecondary graduation rates.

We are working together, and driven by data, to ensure more Philadelphia students graduate on time from high school and college by serving as agents of information, access and opportunity.

Future jobs which provide family-sustaining wages continue to require college degrees and postsecondary credentialing*.
*Based on research from Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce.

We acknowledge the systemic barriers to postsecondary attainment, including racism, classism, sexism, ableism, regionalism and more. With this awareness, we aim to improve postsecondary outcomes for all Philadelphia students.

We are results-driven, action-oriented and passionate about strengthening Philadelphia’s graduation outcomes

We serve as a resource to each other; ecosystem members proactively share expertise and information

We aim to engage community members, nonprofits, K-12, postsecondary, government, philanthropy, and industry in the ecosystem; all voices are welcomed

We recognize that systems change requires meaningful, coordinated stakeholder alignment from K-career